pettiskirts! And yes, everything you've heard about making them is true. They are very labour intensive, time consuming and fiddly. Add in a ruffler that just won't do it's thing, so enter stage right - shirring elastic (how I love thee). You ruffle some nylon chiffon. Then some more. Then yet more. Hours and hours and hours of ruffling. *headbutt desk repeatedly* The results are pretty cool though. But please don't ask me to make you one....seriously, don't :P I have quilts and bags to make - you know, instant gratification stuff? *giggle* These ones are winging their way over the border, embarrassingly late birth and birthday presents, for my 6 week old and 1 year old nieces :)
Wow, that looks fantastically pretty. I keep seeing all of these pettiskirts around for little girls, when is someone going to make one in our size??? Maybe the amount of work in one is only doable on the little girl sizes :-).
Just out of curiousity, what type of fabric do you make these out of?
Hi Toria :) Incredibly, some people have started making these in adult sizes! I'm fairly certain Spunkerella do ;) The fabric is charmeuse satin for the yoke of the skirt and the layers and ruffles are nylon chiffon (if you're really lucky you can find it in some spotlights as 'fairy floss', though apparently it's been discontinued).
Wow, that looks fantastically pretty. I keep seeing all of these pettiskirts around for little girls, when is someone going to make one in our size??? Maybe the amount of work in one is only doable on the little girl sizes :-).
ReplyDeleteJust out of curiousity, what type of fabric do you make these out of?
Hi Toria :) Incredibly, some people have started making these in adult sizes! I'm fairly certain Spunkerella do ;)
ReplyDeleteThe fabric is charmeuse satin for the yoke of the skirt and the layers and ruffles are nylon chiffon (if you're really lucky you can find it in some spotlights as 'fairy floss', though apparently it's been discontinued).