Well, he's actually 6.5 weeks, but who's counting? lol. I think it must be some kind of cosmic joke, that the times in life that we want to really savour, go by at warp speed. I cannot believe just how quickly the last 6 odd weeks have flown by. Little Jackson has grown out of his really teeny newborn clothes and nappies already :S Gosh, he's growing fast!

I believe Donna may recognise this shirt ;)
In other news, I've been gathering some fabrics, to get cracking on Brianna's quilt. I hope to have it done by Christmas (lol!). I also have one in the works for Jackson, but I think I'd like to get Brianna's done first. My first attempt was a flannelette scrappy quilt for Lily - it actually came out quite well. I used all of my flannelette leftovers, plus a vintage sheet I already had and one I scrounged from my friend Bek, of The Cloth Nappy Shop ;)
And finally, I've been working on bags again! I'm finding working with procion on cellulose fibres a little trickier than food colouring on wool, but definitely still a most enjoyable creative outlet. Two bags are nearing completion - The Long Road Home, drawn from my memory of the trek up our impossibly long country driveway after school each day, and butterflies at sunset, inspired by a butterfly loving friend. There's a third project in the works also - my secret squirrel project. The fabric is dyed and waiting, I know *just* what I'm going to do - time to sketch, and start cutting! I'm a little torn though - I'm trying to decide whether these three will be knitting project bags, or wetbags (pul lined). I suspect butterflies will be a wetbag - not sure on the others yet. Time will tell ;)

I believe Donna may recognise this shirt ;)
In other news, I've been gathering some fabrics, to get cracking on Brianna's quilt. I hope to have it done by Christmas (lol!). I also have one in the works for Jackson, but I think I'd like to get Brianna's done first. My first attempt was a flannelette scrappy quilt for Lily - it actually came out quite well. I used all of my flannelette leftovers, plus a vintage sheet I already had and one I scrounged from my friend Bek, of The Cloth Nappy Shop ;)
And finally, I've been working on bags again! I'm finding working with procion on cellulose fibres a little trickier than food colouring on wool, but definitely still a most enjoyable creative outlet. Two bags are nearing completion - The Long Road Home, drawn from my memory of the trek up our impossibly long country driveway after school each day, and butterflies at sunset, inspired by a butterfly loving friend. There's a third project in the works also - my secret squirrel project. The fabric is dyed and waiting, I know *just* what I'm going to do - time to sketch, and start cutting! I'm a little torn though - I'm trying to decide whether these three will be knitting project bags, or wetbags (pul lined). I suspect butterflies will be a wetbag - not sure on the others yet. Time will tell ;)
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