are fun! Here are a couple of items that I've been meaning to make for ages, but just never found the time. Crafting along with a bunch of others just gives that little extra push to actually do it! So, thanks to the Nappycino knitalong and sewalong, I can now present....

My first knitting project created from raw fleece to final product - a calorimetry, knitted from my handspun alpaca fleece. I had originally been going to dip dye this once knitted, but I'm quite taken with the subtle colour variations in the natural yarn. So, natural it stays ;) Not sure if I'll keep this one or gift it yet.....I'll have to think on it.

A group...ah bunch....hmmm what would be the correct term here for more than one pincushion? :P I made the flower one first - incredibly fiddly, but I quite like's definitely staying with me ;) It's made from Amy Butler Nigella fabric for the base, with fuschia linen for the centre of the flower. The petals are a quilters cotton print, hand dyed linen/cotton and some more fuschia linen. The other three pincushions are made from a Heather Bailey pattern - considerably easier than the flower pattern, so I of course made more than one lol. Made from various combinations of denim and quilters cottons, I loved being able to use up some of my very interesting solo buttons that tend to accumulate in my sewing room. I'm not entirely sure that I require 4 pincushions, so am considering gifting one or two of these also ;)

Finally, a pic of my dear baby Lily, who isn't really such a baby anymore - she'll be turning three in a couple of weeks time (my goodness, where did that time go?) She's a real character, can you tell?

And we're not far off welcoming baby number four to the family now - around 5 to 7 weeks to go.....hasn't that gone quickly, too! And at last, I think we may have decided on a name for the 'baby guy', as baby has been dubbed by Lily. Phew.....I was beginning to think he'd have to be nameless until he could pick his own!
I've got a couple more projects on the go at the moment - hopefully I don't stall in the middle of doing them - pics to come soon....hopefully.
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