:S Oops! With the beginning of spring, life seems to have become even more hectic than usual. I've had many things to blog about, but have been too busy doing them to blog about them LOL! I think a combination of J working a minimum of 50 hours a week and my rapidly growing crafty 'to do' pile (aka the mess on my sewing table) has combined to make my life absolutely crazy :P I've picked up old, forgotten projects, am finding pleasure in working in my sorely neglected vege and herb garden and have been preparing for a new obsession. Yes. A spinning wheel is coming to live with me....woot! We' ll just pretend that the many projects sitting neglected on my table aren't there, m'kay?

In super exciting family news, I went with my sister T to her ultrasound and she found out that she's having a little girl!! Yay, I get to make pink newbie nappies hehe. More projects....because you can never have too many WIPs...can you?
I have another project about to hit my desk - a little something for my little niece, Eb. She's turning 3 later this month and I thought I'd whip her something up. Better get cracking!
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