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Showing posts from April, 2010

Been a-dyeing

Just some pictures of the dyeing fun I've been having! There's some procion dyeing and also some wool dyeing ( hands!). I know I've sworn not to dye wool, but these natural coloured wool interlock pants were in a bag of clothes gifted to me, so I had to 'pimp them' before gifting them to someone else....I mean come on! Natural colour wool.......the temptation was just too great :P And yes - I wore incredibly thick gloves while working with them......but still have slightly raw hands to show for it...sigh.

A guest on Gossamer Dreams!

Yep, I'm in some great company again tonight, as a guest on Gossamer Dreams ! This will be the last stocking for an indefinite period and there are some gorgeous items up previewing. My contribution to this stocking will be 'The Long Road Home'. Enjoy!

Tis the season to eat choccy

falalalala lalalala Hope everyone is having a great easter! We've had a very full on, wonderful day - lots of family visiting, loads of good food and of course - plenty of choccy :P I've been a bit quiet on the blogging front of late - all my 'free' time at the moment is being consumed by a rav swap. I'm ever so close to finishing now.....will post some pics once this last item is to do some FMQ on the machine ;)